About Us

With over 900 homes, Wedgewood Village is one of the oldest subdivisions in Friendswood. All property owner's within the division are members of the Wedgewood Village Homeowners' Association (WVHOA). Regularly scheduled board meetings are held typically on the second Tuesday of each month and home owners are welcome. To see the next scheduled meeting, click here!

Current Board Members:

President: Wesley Stilwell

Vice Presidents: Yanne Watson and Lisa Pfiefer

Treasurer: Kurt Buske

Secretary: Jenna Gorgos

Newsletter Archive



Quarterly President's Column

Spring 2024

Spring Projects Enhancing Our Community

As the vibrant colors of spring bloom, Wedgewood Village is buzzing with exciting initiatives to enhance our community. Here are the top three projects that promise to elevate our neighborhood experience:

1. Illuminating Our Parks: Lighting and Electrical Upgrades

Our parks are the heart of Wedgewood Village, where families gather, children play, and memories are made. To ensure safety and extend usability, we’re embarking on a comprehensive lighting and electrical maintenance program. The three parks will receive upgraded lighting fixtures and enhanced electrical infrastructure. Whether it’s an evening stroll or a weekend picnic, well-lit spaces will foster a sense of security and community.

2. Cultivating Green Spaces: The Community Garden

Imagine a lush oasis right in our midst—a place where neighbors can connect, grow fresh produce, and nurture their green thumbs. We’re thrilled to announce the establishment of a community garden on the unused open space on the right side of Wedgewood Park. Our vision is for residents to be able to sign up for plots, plant flowers, herbs, and vegetables, and share gardening tips. With the first phase being pollinating flora and native plants, let’s cultivate not just plants but also friendships and a deeper sense of belonging.

3. Streamlined Deed Restriction Wording: A Fair and Efficient Inspection Process

Our community thrives when everyone adheres to deed restrictions. To ensure consistency and fairness, we’re implementing an improved systematic deed violation review. The legal terminology of the restrictions common to all 7 sections have been consolidated into 7 yes or no questions to create clear guidelines. Timely communication and transparent processes will empower homeowners to maintain property values while respecting community standards. Let’s work together to create a harmonious neighborhood where everyone feels proud to call Wedgewood Village home.

Spring is a season of renewal, and these projects symbolize our commitment to progress and unity. Let’s embrace the change and make Wedgewood Village shine brighter than ever!